Anti-Semite Parade
Four things on the anti-anti-Semitism agenda today:
1. As we know, anti-Zionism is doing quite well in the Bay Area. The Associated Students of San Francisco State University, along with other organizations such as the Muslim Student Association and General Union of Palestinian Students, has posted this lovely flyer. The poster displays a Palestinian infant being killed, with the words "Palestinian Children Meat -- Slaughtered According to Jewish Rites with American License" written. In addition, a large drop of blood stands out in the center of the flyer. I'm at a loss for words. When I saw this, I was so disturbed that I had to take a break -- are there really college students willing to post this kind of racist, anti-Semitic, libelous propaganda? If anyone wants to fill in for me and blog this paragraph, I'd appreciate it. I can't speak about it.
2. Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC) compared Ariel Sharon to Sadaam Huseein. Hollings also compared Sharon with Bull Conner. Bull Conner was the chief of police in Birmingham, Alabama who ordered police dogs and fire hoses turned on civil rights marchers and schoolchildren. I see a faulty comparison.
Hollings is not a pleasant guy. He and West Virginia dinosaur Robert Byrd voted against the pro-Israel resolution which passed the Senate 94-2 last week. Hollings opposed the desegregation of schools, and it was Fritzie who placed that Confederate flag atop the South Carolina statehouse dome. Just keep his lunatic comments in perspective.
3. Victor Davis Hanson analyzes why the world dislikes Israel. This is quite informative, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
4. I'm really not in the mood to be outraged right now, but Jose Bove has a remarkable ability to change me. Bove, the fairly wealthy anti-globalization French farm activist who recently spent time with oppressed gunment in Ramallah, mentioned that the anti-Semitic attacks in France -- over 400 in 2002 -- are all perpetrated by the Mossad because "who else would benefit from it?"
Whenever psychos like this phony make this accusations, I'm unsure of what to do. Do I attack them on logical grounds, proving them dead wrong? Do I calmly ignore them and move on to the next topic? Or do I blow some steam and get them attention? I've decided that since this is the blogosphere, I can ignore societal conventions and go with Number 3. Watch out.
This despicable half-character believes that Jews are perpetrating attacks on themselves? What about the Holocaust? Was that a Jewish ploy for sympathy? The Six-Day War -- Golda Meir actually closed the Straits of Tiran. Did the Jews expel themselves from Spain? or England? or France? Did the Jews go around spreading rumors that they were consuming blood on a regular basis? No, but they burn French synagogues somehow helps them. Makes a helluva lot of sense. The Jews are seemingly responsible for everything. The stock market crash, Communism, Nazism, the Holocaust, homosexuality, the Crusades, the World Trade Center attacks, the assassination of Presidents Garfield and Kennedy, Vietnam, the Holocaust falsehood.
Bove is an anti-Semite. It's no fun branding people with that term, but he is. Accusing the Jews is an age-old trick which Bove has now mastered. Scum.
Sorry if I got carried away, but he pisses me off.
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